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Personal Goals Series (Pt 7) Walking in faith (MP3)

Picture of Personal Goals Series (Pt 7) Walking in faith (MP3)
Becoming who God wants you to be, doesn’t just happen! To accomplish anything in life we must have goals that we are working towards, this is the same for our spiritual lives, we need to have spiritual goals that we are working towards.

£2.00 (GBP)

Practical Lessons for Godly Living (CD Series)

Picture of Practical Lessons for Godly Living (CD Series)
God’s Word is a seed that can produce transformations in our lives, if we allow it into our hearts....

£9.00 (GBP)

Preparing for New Levels (CD)

Picture of Preparing for New Levels (CD)
Do you know that God wants you take you to a new level in your life?

£3.00 (GBP)

Pressing into the Upward Call of God in Christ Jesus (CD Set)

Picture of Pressing into the Upward Call of God in Christ Jesus (CD Set)
In this powerful message, learn what has been made available to us and how to press into the great upward call!

£9.00 (GBP)

Proven Recipe for Happiness (CD)

Picture of Proven Recipe for Happiness (CD)
God wants you to be happy in life; and not just to ‘make heaven’.

£5.00 (GBP)

Putting on the New Man (CD)

Picture of Putting on the New Man (CD)
The Christian faith is not about rules and regulations...

£6.00 (GBP)

Reigning as Kings in Life (CD Set)

Picture of Reigning as Kings in Life (CD Set)
You were created to reign as a king in life!

£15.00 (GBP)

Reinventing Yourself for Greater Productivity (CD Set)

Picture of Reinventing Yourself for Greater Productivity (CD Set)
It’s time to reinvent yourself!

£24.00 (GBP)

Reprogramming Your Heart For Kingdom Breakthroughs (CD)

Picture of Reprogramming Your Heart For Kingdom Breakthroughs (CD)
Our hearts need to be reprogrammed so that our words and actions are aligned with the Word of God

£9.00 (GBP)

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