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Living Your Best Days Ever (CD)

Picture of Living Your Best Days Ever (CD)
Make the most of every opportunity, you have today; remember, today is non-refundable!

£5.00 (GBP)

Living Your Best Life Ever (CD)

Picture of Living Your Best Life Ever (CD)
Learn some secrets for living a fulfilled life...

£6.00 (GBP)

Maximising Your Potential in Christ (Men's Breakfast Conference)

Picture of Maximising Your Potential in Christ (Men's Breakfast Conference)
The lifestyle of learning, putting to practice what we are learning is vital to maximising ourpotential in the natural realm.

£5.00 (GBP)

More Than a Conqueror (CD Set)

Picture of More Than a Conqueror (CD Set)
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

£12.00 (GBP)

Moving Mountains (CD Set)

Picture of Moving Mountains (CD Set)
God is not the One withholding any good thing from you. However, there are lies the devil may have sold to us; there are some mindsets we may have taken on.

£15.00 (GBP)

New Beginnings (CD Set)

Picture of New Beginnings (CD Set)
We must give heed to what He is doing is this new season, so that we don’t miss it

£6.00 (GBP)

No Carryover - Experiencing Breakthrough! (CD)

Picture of No Carryover - Experiencing Breakthrough! (CD)
It's your time to experience breakthrough!

£3.00 (GBP)

No Holding Back! (CD Pack)

Picture of No Holding Back! (CD Pack)
In setting your goals and executing them; you must not hold back anything- not even yourself!

£6.00 (GBP)

Overcoming Bitterness (CD)

Picture of Overcoming Bitterness (CD)
Not everyone realises when they have bitterness in their hearts...

£9.00 (GBP)

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