Handling Financial Crisis (CD)

This conference is our contrbution to the on going financial crisis in the world. We want to hear from God's Word what exactly is going on.
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This conference is our contrbution to the on going financial crisis in the world. We want to hear from God's Word what exactly is going on. Is this a time like in the days of Joseph here lean years have come for a season or is it a time of famine like in the days of Elijah? What are we going through and how should we respond to this? Is this the world's system collapsing? What is God's system? What are God's people supposed to do in times like these? Hear, learn, be encouraged and prepare for the future God has for you. Is it a time to be downcast or a time of uplifting? If we recognise our season accurately we will navigate towards our victory. Its time for strategic living in dangerous times ahead.

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