The Building Blocks of Relationship (CD)

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Do you desire to see your relationships with others strengthened? Do you find it hard to build or maintain healthy relationships?This series is designed to help you in your relationships. You will discover why it is essential to build teh right relatinoships. We may think we are better off on our own, but the truth is 'two are better than one' (Eccl. 4:9).In order to relate rightly we must first define or categorise our relationships. These messages are loaded with the wisdom that you will need in each relationship. You will also come to understand how the building blocks of 'love', 'trust' and 'respect' amongst others, are the foundations for all healthy relationships. Included in this series: 'Defining Relationships', 'Building and Maintaining Healthy Relationships' & the 'Seven Golden Rules of Relationship'You will be blessed!

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£12.00 (GBP)