The Grasshopper Complex (CD Pack)

How do you see yourself?
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When the children of Israel saw the giants that were in the land that God had promised them, they said 'we are like grasshoppers in our own eyes' (Numbers 13:33) Many times we are like the children of Israel too, God has given us promises but our own mindsets and unbelief stops us from receiving and entering into them. How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as a grasshopper in the face of the challendges you are facing? These messages will challenge you to get God's perspective and overcome the fears that will keep you out of your promised land!
Messages contained in this pack: The Grasshopper Complex, Antedote to Unbelief, Pressing into Christlikeness (Pt. 1 & 2)

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£12.00 (GBP)
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