Understanding the prophetic Realm (DVD)

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"Every believer is to be prophetic! We are to hear from God and allow His Word to dictate our lifestlye, not the world moulding us. The scriptures should teach us hwo to relate with God and not become an end in themselves as we pride ourselvesin the knowledge of them."In this two part seires, Rev Kola Ewuosho shares with us the importance of being prophetic and how every believer can and should function in the prophetic. "We all have spiritual senses that need to be developed. Develpoing our spiritual gifts makes it easier for us to participate with God..." We go on to learn why we need to develop our spiritual gifts and how we can train our spiritual senses. A must have for every believer, this series will challenge you in your walk with God and position you to experience more of Him in your life! This series contains the following messages: Understanding the Prophetic Realm and Operating in the Gifts of the Spirit

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£10.00 (GBP)