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Understanding the Unchanging Laws of Value (MP3)

Picture of Understanding the Unchanging Laws of Value (MP3)
Though values may change, the laws of value do not...

£2.00 (GBP)

Walking in the Miraculous Like Jesus (CD Set)

Picture of Walking in the Miraculous Like Jesus (CD Set)
God wants to move mightily. He is still in the business of performing miracles!

£18.00 (GBP)

What Are You Waiting For? (CD Pack)

Picture of What Are You Waiting For? (CD Pack)
Most of the time, we are waiting for the ‘right condition’  or the ‘right timing’ or even for someone else, to get what we need or do what we need to do...

£6.00 (GBP)

Wholeness in Relationships (Valentine 2015) (CD)

Picture of Wholeness in Relationships (Valentine 2015) (CD)
Whether you are married, in love or looking for love, these messages will be a blessing to you!

£3.00 (GBP)

Women Who Overcome (CD)

Picture of Women Who Overcome (CD)
If you are going to move on with your life and fulfil your God given destiny, you will need to be a woman who overcomes.

£12.00 (GBP)

You Are Stronger than the Enemy (CD Set)

Picture of You Are Stronger than the Enemy (CD Set)
God wants to increase you right there where you are!

£9.00 (GBP)

You Can Turn it Around (Conference Pack)

Picture of You Can Turn it Around (Conference Pack)
Your past doesn't necessarily have to dictate your future; you can't change your past, but you can change how you end up in life!

£6.00 (GBP)

You Deserve the Best (CD Series)

Picture of You Deserve the Best (CD Series)
Do you know that God wants the best in your life?

£9.00 (GBP)

You Will Not Need to Fight in this Battle (Women's Breakfast)

Picture of You Will Not Need to Fight in this Battle (Women's Breakfast)
Whatever it is you’re worried or anxious about today, learn to roll them on the Lord; He will go ahead of you and you will come to find the situation taken care of!

£5.00 (GBP)

Your Miracle is on the Way (CD Pack)

Picture of Your Miracle is on the Way (CD Pack)
Your test can become your testimony and your mess can become a message if you are positioned rightly.
£12.00 (GBP)
£10.00 (GBP)

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