Your Destiny Beckons... (CD)

Yes, there are things you can accomplish by shear human strength but on the long run, if the spiritual dimension is not attended to, the very accomplishment can become an avenue for other areas of your life to become worse than they should have been.
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What God has called you to accomplish is in harmony with what He has invested in you. Your discovery, development and deployment of your gifts and talents to bless the human race and bring glory to your Father in heaven are what the destiny call is about. It all starts with building a relationship with God through acceptance of Christ as our Lord and Saviour. The building up of who we are in Christ empowers us to make the discovery, and receive grace for the development and eventually the deployment of what He invested in us to become a blessing to others. Religion will have us see these as conflicting thoughts. No, it’s the god of this world who is behind the conflicts. The spiritual governs the natural. Many have not learnt that. Yes, there are things you can accomplish by shear human strength but on the long run, if the spiritual dimension is not attended to, the very accomplishment can become an avenue for other areas of your life to become worse than they should have been. Let’s learn to put priority on the right things. The spiritual, then the natural.... your destiny beckons!

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